Legends World
A site all about early 3D adventure games on the PC. Seems to have been around since the mid 90's.
Deadlock Empire
Game for the programmers among you who may want to learn a bit about multithreading.
Tutorials For Free. A place where everyone can share knowledge with each other.
Wideband shortwave radio receiver map.
Petit Tube
Random YouTube videos with less than ten views.
Exit Mundi
A collection of end of world scenarios.
Noclip Website
A digital museum of videogame levels. You can browse the entirety of Vice City, or explore the entirety of Super Mario Galaxy...in browser. Really impressive.
Fourier Transformations
A site all about fourier transformations. I had no idea what these were before seeing this. Super interesting site.
Random videos every day since December 2008.
Joey Hess
The personal website of a guy called Joey Hess. Very simple, very charming, very cosy and interesting to browse.
Sulla's Website
Personal site owned by a guy called Sulla. Home to some very in-depth reports about videogames the webmaster has played over the years.
A Soft Murmur
Ambient noise generator. Think background rain, thunder, wind, etc.
Personal homepage of Ed Pinch. Online since 1995, and he refuses to sell his domain to SEO spammers despite numerous spam attacks on his email over the years.
Protected Text
Open source pastebin alternative where you can encrypt whatever you're pasting with a password.
The Racial Slur Database
A site that lists pretty much every racial slur known to mankind about every race known to mankind along with an informative description about each slurs origins. Online since 1999.
Side Talkin
A Nokia N-Gage parody fansite.
50 Watts
Interesting and surreal international book designs, illustrations and covers.
QZAP Queer Zine Archive
A huge archive of zines created by the LGBT community, some of which date all the way back to the 1970's. (NSFW at times)
Royal Armouries Collection
Browse over 65,000 photos of objects in the collection of the Royal Armouries.
1MB Club
A list of websites that are under 1MB in size.
Bios Master Password Generator
BIOS password recovery for laptops.
Hello World Collection
A collection of over 600 Hello World programs.
A Google index search - Good for finding very specific files occasionally.
Zoomquilt 2
An infinitely zooming piece of web-art. The sequel to the massively impressive Zoomquilt.
4chan Code
Makes it look like you're coding when you're actually just browsing 4chan.
Open and free to use datasets.
Conspiracy website.
Learn X in Y Minutes
Quick rundowns on programming languages.
A link compilation created by an Anon from 4chan's /g/ board.
Compudida by Alan Chelak
A web-art installation of somekind. Click the images to browse through the site.
SDF Public Access UNIX System
Free shell account and shell access. Est.1987
A website arguing against the use of www.
A website arguing for the use of www.
Mark Ferrari's Living Worlds
A really really nice piece of web-art. If you're into pixel art, give this a look.
Portable Freeware
Exactly what it sounds like.
Alternative To
Find alternatives to software. Great if you're into open source stuff.
Reverse image search created by an Anon back in 2008.
Ayashii World History
An English language blog about the history of Ayashii World, the 1995 BBS that eventually spawned 2chan, and subsequently 4chan as well.
Bibliotheca Anonoma
Bibliotheca Anonoma is a site that aims to archive and preserve the history of 4chan and other imageboards.
Refactoring Guru Design Patterns
A site all about design patterns for software design - Really good resources to be found here. A bit of something for everyone.
Fsh Zone (Fish Zone)
A cosy little game where you can chat to friends and catch fish in a pond. Has some very Animal Crossing-y vibes about it.
Lockpicking Forensics
A site all about lockpicking and the forensics of lockpicking. Some very in-depth and detailed information here delivered in an easy to understand package. Great reading material.
A wiki all about different lock types and lock manufacturers. Seems to be run by a bunch of very passionate and knowledgeable people.
Blur Busters (Aka, The UFO Test)
A site all about motion blur on monitors.
The Kiwifarms
Originally known as the CWCForums (a discussion site for the infamous Internet personality "Chris-Chan"), The Kiwifarms has over time evolved into a highly controversial gossip forum centred primarily around individuals considered "lolcows" by members of the site.
An art site/conspiracy site? Not too sure. Seems a little scattered at times, but a really interesting site to dip into.
Watching Grass Grow
Exactly what it sounds like. Online since 2005.
Reviews OnLine
An ancient technology reviews website that was last updated sometime in 2001.
FOSS self-hosted website analytics tool. Incredibly useful for web developers who don't want to deal with the other (less private) options out there.
Watches of the USSR
A site showcasing a huge collection of USSR-made wristwatches from the 1950's through to the 1980's. Home to a lot of really interesting information about each watch.
Conquering Space
A very old website (probably late 90's) about space exploration and the universe around us.
Compute Me
Computer hardware and software reviews. Online since 1995, last updated in 2007. Nice little window into the past.
A whole bunch of text-to-speak celebrity and cartoon character voices that are insanely accurate. Great fun to mess around with.
Type Racer
Fun little typing speed game where you race against other people in real time to see who can type the fastest.
Lock Legion
Home of the infamous Newgrounds shitposting animation squad, Lock Legion.
Clock Crew
Home of the even more infamous Newgrounds shitposting animation squad, Clock Crew.
Home of the famous DDR-like game, Stepmania. Site and game alike are maintained by an incredibly passionate and dedicated team of individuals.
DDR Freak
A Dance Dance Revolution fansite. Online since 2005. Very oldschool webdesign to be seen here.
Fuzzy Memories
An archive of American TV commercials and broadcasts.
An incredibly oldschool Furry MMO. Online since 1996.
Lion King Fanart Archives
A huge archive of Lion King fan art.
Horse News
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic fansite created by Anons from 4chan's /mlp/ board.
Geoguesser is an online game where you attempt to guess the geolocation of a place you are shown on Google Maps street view.
Monster Mash
Create and animate 3D modelled monsters all within your browser. Fun little web tool.
Marxists Internet Archive
A huge archive of information about Marxism. Online since the 90's.
Worlds Tallest Virtual Building
Mr Wong's tower. The tallest pixel-art building ever created. Huge project that multiple people have contributed to since the early 2000's.
Tenni Catch
A game where you catch tennis balls on a unicorns horn. Fun little timewaster that uses Pony Town graphics.
The Fluffies
An online character creation and animation tool for cartoon animals such as ponies, zebras, foxes and deer. Created by the Russian My Little Pony fandom.
The Monorail Society
A website for monorail enthusiasts.
Sydney Monorail
The official website of the now defunct Sydney Monorail.
The former home of the classifieds site "Backpage" - Seized by the US Department of Justice in 2018. Not much left to see, but if you want to view a seized website then here you go!
Life is a Test
Absolutely insane religious site squatting a hotmail.com mistype domain ("hotmaik.com" specifically.)
Dialect Blog
A blog all about quirks in different English dialects.
Home of the now-dead virtual world, Lasuni.
Lots of old PC resources and information. Online since 2002.
Nights Into Dreams
Fansite of the SEGA game, Nights Into Dreams.
Hidden Teesside
A blog all about cool hidden and historic things in the Teesside area in the North East of England.
Playstation 1 game development website with a lot of homebrew and information.
A site about asdf.
Truth About War
A site about wars the USA has been involved in. Frozen since 2003.
Mike Chachich
The personal webpage of Mike Chachich. Online since 1999 and home to photos from his travels around Japan on a motorcycle and many other interesting and quite cosy things.
Good Earth Graphics
An incredibly old site all about caves and cave exploring. Lots of really nice old photographs from someones caving adventures.
Captain Packrat
A self-hosted furry-content website from 2004, giving a very good window into the furry fandom of the early 2000's. Still going to this day and jam-packed full of old-web nostalgia.
Pirates of the Caribbean in Fact and Fiction
A site all about pirates of the Caribbean. No, not the movie. The actual pirates that captured ships and stole loot from people! Online since 1994.
All Periodic Tables
A rather old site about the periodic table of elements and the history surrounding it. Really interesting and well-organised content.
An online pet cemetary?
A Candy Rose
A huge missing people database. Online since 1998 and last updated in 2013.
Central Square Girl Scouts
The forgotten official and absolutely archaic website of the Central Square Girl Scouts. Last updated in 2000 or so. Online since around 1995.
Christian Goth
A site for goths who are also Christians. Online since January 1997, and still updated frequently.
A Minesweeper fansite/score rankings site.
One of Alex Chiu's (creator of the so-called "immortality rings") many websites.
Ham-Ham Paradise
A fansite for the anime Hamtaro. Online since 2005.
A pretty old Powerpuff Girls fansite from 2001. Seems to still get updated occasionally.
Philk Press
Homepage of the Willett family. Last updated on November 13, 1999.
James Yawn
Site owned by a guy called James. Lots of information about hobby rocketry can be found here.
Dan Luu
The incredibly high quality programming blog of Dan Luu.
Davar Web Site
A site where the webmaster shares and presents information that they personally find interesting. Programming, computer science, humour, etc. Online since 20th of December 1997.
The Dyad Way To Enlightenment
A site that presents you with information to help yourself reach enlightenment, supposedly. Online since 3/7/1998.
Index Of
An index of information about everything from programming to smart TV's and Linux distros.
Rhyme Zone
Find words that rhyme with whatever word you search for.
A very oldschool looking image and text board. Seems to be very slow but definitely not inactive. (Reported back up as of: 12/04/2021)
Worry Dream
The personal site of Bret Victor. Home to lots of misc interesting things. Well worth a browse.
An imageboard that seems to be trying to recapture that good ol' pre-2007 4chan feeling.
Liberty Unleashed
Multiplayer GTA:3 mod. Started in 2007 and his last update is from 2016 and the forums in these months are being spammed with "free movies" advertising.
The ruins of GameSpy, once one of the go-to places online for gaming related content. Frozen in time since 2013.
Planet Halflife
GameSpy's Halflife fanpage. Frozen in time since 2013 like the rest of the site. Home to fan art, guides, etc.
Planet Quake
GameSpy's Quake fanpage. Frozen in time since 2013 like the rest of the site. Home to fan art, guides, etc.
Google Answers
The remains of Google Answers. No longer possible to submit questions, but the site still fully functions if you wish to browse it. Goes all the way back to 2002.
The Internet Oracle
The Internet Oracle was a collective effort at humor by the denizens of the internet. Questions mailed to the Oracle were forwarded to other Oracle users, who serve as an incarnation of the Oracle by providing a witty answer to the question. Online since 1989, now defunct.
The first ever .com domain to be registered way back in 1985. Now belongs to a domain broker called Aron Meystedt who has turned it into an internet museum. Really nice use for such a domain name.
Mosaic Communications Corporation
The original Netscape homepage from 1994. Absolutely no idea how this thing is still online, but it is.
Oleg's Web Page
Homepage of Oleg E. Drozhinin, otherwise known as the only perpetually happy person at MIT. Last update Nov 8th, 1996.
The TecfaMOO (Jan-1995)
The TECFAMOO is a text-based virtual reality. It is a Virtual Space for Educational Technology, Education, Research and Life at TECFA, School of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Last updated in 1995.
A website where you can create message boards with the old Perl script "WWWBoard". No idea if this still works.
Matt's Script Archive
Offering free CGI scripts to the web community since 1995.
404 Page Found
A site featuring a huge collection of Web 1.0 websites.
A very early live-webcam project by Lou Montulli, the author of the Lynx browser. Camera is now offline but you can see the last pictures it ever took still on the site to this day.
The Simulator
An online life simulator from 1997. Don't want to spoil too much about it, but it's a really fun little window into the past.
An anti-McDonalds website from the late 90's.
Send Coffee
A coffee fanpage with a bunch of very strange and completely unrelated sub-pages. Online since 1996.
Viola was the first web browser with inline graphics, scripting, tables, stylesheet. Online since April 1991.
Mag's Home Page
Personal homepage of Tom Magliery. Online since at least 2001, but probably much earlier if the web design is anything to go by.
A Netscape parody site from 1996. Main site is still updated today as an example of horrific web design.
A site aiming to recreate the feeling of being online in the mid 90's.
Metropoli BBS Files
Files from a now dead Finnish BBS called Metropoli.
Ken Silverman's Official Homepage
Personal homepage of a programmer called Ken Silverman. Online since 1999 and still updated to this day.
Emulation Zone
Website all about classic retro game emulation. Online so long that some of these games were (almost) new when the website began life in 1996!
Website focused on the videogame series DOOM. Online since 1994 and still updated as of 2021!
Lemmy's Land
Super Mario World fansite belonging to a person roleplaying as Lemmy Koopa. Online since at least 1999. Very Geocities-esq design going on with this one.
88x31 Buttons
A huge collection of 88x31 web-buttons from the 90's and early 2000's.
Woodstock 1999
The official Woodstock 1999 website. Still online for some reason, and last updated in (you guessed it) 1999.
Real Ultimate Power
Are you ready to become a Ninja?
Virtual Kishinev
The website for Kishinev, the capital of Moldova. Last updated in 1998.
Black People Love Us
Obvious parody website, but an absolute classic. I can't even begin to explain this one in detail.
The Word of God
Absolutely insanely laid out religious website that is near impossible to browse. Religious quotations everywhere with no real reason behind any of them.
The official Nintendo Wii website. Broken beyond belief, but some pages still work. Worth checking out while it's still around.
Website of the Half-Life Mapper who is the creator of the well-known map de_rats. Abandoned in 2004, online since 2002.
Starlink IRC
Website of a defunct IRC network from 1997. Site is apparently still being occasionally updated.
A fansite for frogs. Yes, the animal. Online since August 1995, but seemingly abandoned.
Exposers of Jordon's Foolishness
A Michael Jordon hate page from the 90's.
I'm blue, dabu-dee-dabu-dai.
Jimbo's Shiny New Home
Personal homepage of a guy called Jimbo. Last updated in 2001, online since 1997.
One of the earlier attempts at creating a social network. Home to many famous pages, most notable of which being IconHell. Online since 2002.
The official website for Antoroma, a petroleum reservoir engineering consultancy company, and a live example of the Y2K apocalypse. Check out the date at the bottom of the homepage! Last updated in 1999.
Ancient David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust fansite from 1996. Still updated up until 2019!
Want to experience MSN/WLM in (current year) for some reason? This is for you.
A free resource for AM Stereo radio broadcasters and listeners. Online since 1997.
Free WAV files and reviews. Online since the 1st of July 2001.
Very pleasant oldschool homepage of Lynn McKamey, a scubadiver. Really fun site to browse. Online since 1997 and still seems to be updated on occasion.
A site all about TLR cameras. Showcases the collection of the webmaster, Barry Toogood. Online since 2004.
cRack In The boX
A parody website of the American fastfood chain, Jack in the Box. Online since around 1998.
A strange personal website. Home to pages full of icons and a very odd navigation system. Fun to explore, though. Online since at least 1997, but possibly much earlier.
The XFree86 Project, Inc is a global volunteer organization which produces XFree86, the freely redistributable open-source implementation of the X Window System continuously since 1992.
The Collective
A webring from the late 90's. All pages still seem to work, but not many of them are still being updated with new content. Shame.
A Quake 2 fansite, created in 1997, abandoned in 1998, somehow still kicking after all these years. Seems to have been a lot of effort put into this back in the day.
Nighthawks Den
A collection of roleplaying sites from the late 90's. None of them seem to be active anymore, but a nice little window into the history of the RP community online.
Iron Man Armory
An incredibly in-depth Iron Man fansite created by Tim Rassbach. Made way back in 1996 and still being updated today.
Capcom Fighting Evolution
The official homepage for the PS2 and Xbox game, Capcom Fighting Evolution. Online since 2005 and fully function.
The digital image server for the Urban & Regional Studies Institute at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Loads of buildings of images, sculptures, etc from all around the world.
A Flash emulator.
Orbit Communications
An abandoned website for Orbit Communications, a TV company. Whole site is stuck in a 2003 timewarp.
Dr Neko's Lab
Fansite for the videogame series Megaman. Still gets updates very occasionally. Online since 2000.
Walton Dell's Web Site
Personal homepage of Walton Dell. Home to all sorts of things the webmaster is interested in from videogames to software and music. Online since 1996, and seems to have been last updated in 2006.
Smash Bros Brawl
The official Super Smash Bros Brawl website from 2007. Seems to be fully functional all these years later.
Whole Mouse Catalog
A website aiming to provide resources for scientists who use mice in lab tests. Online since 1995 and abandoned in 1999.
Coming Soon
A very early online gaming magazine from 1994. Abandoned in 2000.
Dole Kemp 1996
The presidential campaign website for Dole Kemp. Online and abandoned since 1996.
MicroWorlds EX
A coding environment that empowers students to create and share interactive games, perform mathematical experiments, explore science simulations and write multimedia stories. The possibilities are supposedly endless! Online since 2002, but apparently updated until 2019.
The Simpsons Archive
An ancient and well-organised Simpsons fansite and archive created and maintained by members of alt.tv.simpsons and other fans from around the world.
Mike Jittlov's WizWorld
The atomic-powered cyberspace home of Hollywood movie Director-Producer-Actor-Animator-Editor-Effector-Etcetera Mike Jittlov. The page even glows in the dark to boot! Online since 2003, and looks like it hasn't been updated since.
A British model railway fansite for Triang trains that has been around since the late 90's.
Merqury City
A fansite for the snowboarding videogame series, SSX. Been around since 2001 and still kicking to this day. Some really cool oldschool pages to be found here.
Absolute Playstation
Possibly the oldest Playstation fansite still left online. Founded in 1995 and last updated in 2010. Site is a real timewarp to the late 2010's.
Jigsaw Explorer
Free online jigsaws, along with a free online custom jigsaw maker. Really fun little timewaster to just kick back and relax with.
Sunny Formula
A pretty unique looking Neocities page that serves as a sort of personal webpage come educational "fun facts" kind of thing. Really cool looking and fun to click around.
A site showcasing a huge collection of over 4,000 bottle caps from all around the world.
A chatroom-based social network from 2008 that is still going somewhat strong all things considered. Real blast from the past.
Online Rubiks cube style puzzles + solvers. Useful site for people who are into puzzle cubes.
The official site of Eastbank Model Railway Club. Online at this address since 2012, but seems to be much older. Home to a lot of information about models.
Nature Panoramas
A very old website that allowed you to view full 360 panoramas of real life locations online. Online since 2000 but doesn't appear to function correctly anymore.
Carl Heilman
Personal homepage of a guy called Carl Heilman who seems to be a photographer. Online since 1998, his site has some really nice content if you just fancy having a leisurely click around.
A site that shows off various instances of Engrish.
Bahai Library
A website all about the Bahai Faith, which is a sort-of new-age religion.
Record Nerd
A site for people who collect vinyl records. Great for trading, showcasing what you have, or finding other record collectors.
A site for technology enthusiasts from Lebanon. Active since 2005.
Technical docs by Jamie Zawinski. Online since 1994.
Not Rocket Science
A website created by Geoff Hargadon in 1996. Seems to be home to a bunch of his art installation photographs and whatnot.
Dali Gallery
An online art gallery showcasing the works of Salvador Dali.
Home of the ZSNES emulator. Online since 2001.
Theistic Satanism
A new-age Satanism website created by Diane Vera in 2003. Still online and last updated in 2006.
Halloween Online
Your guide to everything Halloween since 1994!
Waning Moon
A sort-of gothic web-ring. Used to have more pages, but the people involved seem to have gone their seperate ways over the last few years.
An oldschool 2003 - 2006 era myspace clone.
Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music
An insanely detailed timeline showcasing the history and relationships between different types of electronic music. Online since 2003.
A site all about lockpicking. Fan-funded and full of great resources and tool recommendations.
A down-detector for all of the McDonalds icecream machines in the US, Germany, and a few other places. Doesn't work in every country, but still a really handy website if you're from one of the supported places.
The Simple Site
A site created by one dude who likes to collect links and share them. If you like Peelopaalu, you will probably get a kick out of this too!
One of the biggest My Little Pony image repositories. Some SFW, some NSFW.
Neighsayer Patches
A shop full of of 4chan and other internet culture related patches, stickers, etc.
Disused Stations
A site all about disused train stations across the UK.
My Life Elsewhere
A very useful website for those looking to move to another country. Helps you compare living expenses and property prices among other things.
Data Hoarding in the Modern Age
A site all about data hoarding.
TrainWeb have been offering free webhosting for railway enthusiasts since 1996 and they're still at it to this day! Over 1,000 railfan sites are hosted here and there's a mountain of stuff to explore if you're into trains.
The Cephalopod Page
A site all about octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and other cephalopods.
Snoot Game
The official site of Snoot Game, a Goodbye Volcano High fan game created by 4chan's videogames board, /v/.
Sonic Gear
A site all about Sonic the Hedgehog merchandise - Very detailed and interesting to click through. Online since the the late 90's or early 2000's.
Ponyland Press
A My Little Pony fansite that has been online since 2005. Seems primarily focused on G1 (Generation 1) stuff.
Jason Steel Wildlife Photography
Wildlife photography capturing lots of British Wildlife (big and small) by Jason Steel. Lots of really nice pictures, just fun to have a browse of if you're a fan of animals.
Probably the oldest surviving Apple/Mac fansite that is STILL updated to this day. Around since 1985(!) and still very frequently updated.
The Flying Penguin
A personal site that is heavily focused on comparing operating systems (the webmaster being a Mac user), online since 1997, last updated on April 10th 1998.
Egy Magyar METW Oldal
A Hungarian RPG website from the late 90's.
Love dragons? You'll love Draconian. Home to all sorts of dragon information, artwork, stories, and more! Online since 1996 and still updated to this day!
Crystal Castle
An absolute hidden gem from the late 90's. You can go on a sort-of very simple text adventure through the webmasters website that will present you with the opportunity to adopt a dragon for your webpage. A pretty emersive and incredibly cool window into personal websites of the time.
Federation 2
The remains of the first ever online gaming experience. Being launched in January 1986 and not closing until October 2018, Fed2 was online for thirty years before officially calling it quits. RIP.
MoKat's Sonic Corner
Sonic the Hedgehog fansite created by someone called MoKat back in the 90's.
Nail That Catfish
Personal site of musician Steve Rosen, writer of the song "Nail That Catfish". Delightfully 90's and still seems to be updated occasionally. You can show your support for Steve's music or website by purchasing a tshirt from him if you're interested!
The Meatrix
An anti-factory farming website that took the form of a full-length animated parody of the Matrix. Pretty interesting little oddity.
Freaky Freya's Crazy Cosmos
Personal website of someone called Freya. Last updated sometime around 2002.
Snakes n Adders
A website all about snake-keeping. Full of lots of great resources for beginners and experienced keepers alike.
Snakes Alive!
Another very nicely put together snake-keeping website. Plenty of information about Corn Snakes especially. Last updated in 2001.
Strango Brothers Laboratory
The personal website of three teenagers. Created in the late 90's and finally ceased updating in Summer 2002. Fun little window into personal websites of the early 2000's.
Jokes and Emoticons
One of those "funny pages" that were SUPER popular in the late 90's. Doesn't seem to have been updated in an incredibly long time (I'd guess between 2001 and 2002 at the very latest).
Vortex of Doom
Personal website of James Bourne. Lots of broken pages, but the web design on here was just too golden to not include it on the directory. Last updated in late 2001.
Jason Grose's Homepage
Personal webpage of Jason Grose and his family. Seems to be a bit of an abandoned project, but these shared "family" webpages have always interested me. Still plenty of stuff to have a look at if you click around.
Personal site of someone going by Zenorone. Webmaster appears to be interested in punk music, skating, and the Linux scene. Last updated in 2004, online since around 2001.
Personal website of Michael Lagace. Whole website is stylised to look VERY in-theme with the old transparent Macs from the late 90's. Very nice web design for a personal site of the time. Last updated in 2001.
The personal homepage of a guy who was super into Dungeons and Dragons back in 1999. Real time capsule of a webpage.
The Final Fantasy Resource
An incredibly old Final Fantasy fansite from 1999. No longer updated and sits in a sort-of timewarp.
A Neon Genesis Evangelion fansite from 2002. Home to a bunch of old images and other bits and pieces.
Final Fantasy VII - The Complete Guide
An incredibly well-made for the time Final Fantasy VII fansite from January 1998. Stopped being updated sometime in 2003 but still functions perfectly.
Sadgrl Online
The homepage of someone going by Sadness. Home to a whole bunch of webguides, thoughts from the webmistress, articles, and links to other interesting places on the web. Really nicely put together.
Ever wanted to make Windows XP look and feel like Mac OSX? This is what you need in your life.
An absolute stockpile of nicely made and VERY obscure MS Plus desktop themes created by DUDE (Kevin Kannenberg). Last updated in 1998.
Savage Garden Lover Land
A fansite for the band Savage Garden with a very odd navigator.
Cute Kaomoji
Do you like Japanese emoticons? Do you like le ebig 9gag ecks dee lenni faces? If you answered yes to either of these, then this place is for you.
Get new features and bug fixes for your patched Winamp 5.666 release from those who care about keeping Winamp alive and whippin' via new & replacement plug-ins.
Winamp Skin Museum
Exactly what it sounds like. An absolute blast from the past where you can view a metric ton of old Winamp skins.
Canuck's House of Kaoanis
Not entirely sure what Kaoanis are, but this site seems to be home to a big collection of them. Very charming and early 2000'sish. French language site, so I'm not entirely sure what the context is here.
Clippy JS
Ever wanted to add Clippy from Microsoft Word to any website in the world? No? Tough luck. Here he is, and he's as annoying as ever.
Net Art Anthology
A collection of webart. Some REALLY old stuff archived here for those of you who are interested in such things.
Defonic Ocean Noise Generator
An ocean noise generator that will either help you relax while working on projects, or cause you to almost wet yourself depending on how many drinks you've had when you start listening. I personally find this one quite calming, definitely worth a listen.
Mario Kart 64 Players Page
A Mario Kart 64 fansite where people compete on the time trials section of the game. Pretty sure this page has been around for as long as Mario Kart 64 itself has been around and is still updated to this day.
Buddhism for Vampires
An entire novel that is free to read online about well.. Buddhism, but for like.. Y'know.. Vampires. Very obscure and seems to have had a lot of work put into it.
Zoom Escaper
Zoom Escaper is a tool to help you escape Zoom meetings and other videoconferencing scenarios. It allows you to self-sabotage your audio stream, making your presence unbearable to others.
Glenda Moore's Cat Stuff
From the webmistress herself - This site, online since 1995, celebrates one of the most wonderful creatures in the world: The domestic cat. You'll find graphics, a huge library of articles, games, and much, much more.
Pattern Generator
A webtool that allows you to easily create unique seemless patterns.
The most simple of simple Pastebin concepts. Type some text. Hit public. It's now live. No editing, no accounts, just an anonymous text dump.
Vampire Rave
Apparently the ultimate vampire resource and directory. Claims to be for real vampires, so be sure to wear a thick scarf around your neck while visiting this one.
Memory of the World Library
A huge (and I mean HUGE) online library where you can freely download books that have entered the public domain. Over 153,000 titles to choose from.
Graham's World Wide Web Server
The personal site of Graham Downey, a student studying computer science at the University Of Manitoba.