Another shop full of of 4chan and other internet culture related patches, stickers, etc.
Tactical Tabbies
Another-another shop full of of 4chan and other internet culture related patches, stickers, etc. Primarily sells /k/ patches.
Green Crab Testing
Another-another-another shop full of of 4chan and other internet culture related patches, stickers, etc. This one also primarily sells /k/ patches.
Scooter Hacking
A website all about hacking electric scooters.
Merlins Magical Merrows
More 4chan patch stores. This one sells patches aimed at 4chan's /k/ board specifically.
Sticky Arsenal
4chan patch and sticker store. Sells a very wide range of stuff to appeal to people from some of 4chan's biggest boards.
Sours Patchworks
Do you like anime girls and memes? Do you want a patch with anime girls and memes on it? Check out Sours Patchworks.
Wood Patch
A patch store where you can buy wooden patches featuring anime girls, /k/ memes, and other fun stuff.
Skinwalker Supply Co
More patches, stickers and other /k/ accessories can be bought here.
Kommando Store
Another /k/ store where you can buy MRE's, tshirts, patches, gas masks, and even some medical supplies that could come in handy when you're innawoods.
Absolute Territory Supply
Military surplus, anime and /k/ patches, stickers, clothing, and accessories store.
Badger Hound Supply Co
More /k/ accessories, patches, stickers, etc.
An adult ERPG that has been around since 2003.
Install Gentoo
A lot of free services provided by an Anon from 4chan's /g/ board. Webhosting, blogs, image hosting, and much more!
Anime Tobacco Firearms
Another 4chan /k/ sticker/patch store. Quite a lot of anime and meme stickers on this one.
The ultimate encyclopedia of different writing systems and languages.
Meme's Devotions And Bible Study
A site belonging to someone who goes by "Meme" - Not sure what this one is about exactly, but it seems to be a personal site where the webmaster talks about their Bible studies and "devotions".
Amelia's Pink Palace
A website created in 2007 to raise awareness for a little girl called Amelia Price who was diagnosed with Neroblastoma Stage 4 back in February 2005. Amelia lost her battle with cancer in 2007.
Skunk Info
Have a pet skunk? Want to get a pet skunk? Never thought about a pet skunk, but now you're curious? Check this site out.
Andreas Wiethoff
Personal webpage of Andreas Wiethoff, a Swatch watch collector. Lots of information about different Swatch references, along with his blog and pictures of his collection.
The proceedings of the Friesian School. Whatever that means.
Open TTD
OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
SCUM Games
SCUM Games specializes in making games for the TempleOS 64-Bit Operating System. Website and games created by CrunkLord420.
250 KB Club
A list of sites that are 250kb or less.
512 KB Club
A list of sites that are 512kb or less.
1 MB Club
A list of sites that are 1mb or less.
Anything and everything you could ever want to know about trilobites.
Digital Space
Home to the past and present projects of the webmaster, Dr Bruce Damer.
Bug Guide
Ever asked yourself ''Hey.. What's that strange bug crawling across my window?'' These guys can probably answer that question for you.
The ultimate source for PS Vita Homebrew apps and Plugins.
Andegraf Studio
The personal site of Anton Dechev, a very experienced graphic designer. Super cool and unique homepage.
Puckdropper's Place
Personal site of Puckdropper. Home to model railways, computing, and other creative stuff the webmaster gets up to.
Uncreative Labs
Founded in March 1993 as a software development group, UCL is now mainly home to a forum where people answer and ask questions about old computers.
SolidSnake Designs
The remains of SS Designs, one of the biggest graphic design forums from the early to mid 2000's.
The only Chinese-language Habbo Hotel private server. Established sometime around 2008, this particular hotel is chocked full of custom unique furniture, clothes, and features. Very unique experience. Created by a person who calls herself "Melody" online.
An incredibly accurate reverse image search tool for finding products on AliExpress.
Firefox Profilemaker
This tool will help you to create a Firefox profile with the defaults you like.
An incredibly detailed and high quality blog all about anime, manga, videogames, and all sorts of other things.
Niko The Ghost/":3"
A pretty nicely put together HTML5 browser game with a cute pixel art style. The author of this project is seemingly unknown.
Mobile Phone History
A sort-of online museum of mobile telephones. An incredibly detailed and informative website if you're interested in this topic.
Ran by a guy who collects calculators, MyCalcDB is a database of all different types of calculators.
Serial Number Decoder
Own a product and want to know what the serial number can tell you about it? Give this site a look.
A (seemingly human indexed?) search engine/directory with a lot of search options.
Ricky McBroom
The personal homepage of someone called Ricky McBroom.
sundry obscure topics
A site owned by a guy called Dave Barber. Home to pages about niche topics that the webmaster is interested in.
Newton Sales
An enthusiast site for the Apple Newton where you can buy brand new parts, upgrades and many other bits and pieces.
A transformers toy collecting website and fansite.
The LED Watch
A site all about LED watches that the webmaster has collected over the years. Home to some very rare and very obscure early digital watches from the 1970's.
Equestriart Network
Very nicely done My Little Pony pixelart and games by Rangelost. Worth a browse whether you're into the pony fandom or not, their artwork is incredibly nicely done.
Inventors Emporium
Founded in 1990, Inventors Emporium exists to develop the inventions of Joel M. Sciamma and as an umbrella for other activities such as R & D in electronics, computing, light mechanical engineering and just plain curiosity.
Letters from BBC Television Licensing
Homepage of a guy who is sick of getting letters from the BBC's TV licensing organisation, and goes out of his way to mock them for threatening him.
Freds Workshop
An ancient (but still updated!) Transformers fansite.
Mass Produced Pony Plush Project
/mppp/ is a My Little Pony plush mass-production project started by 4chan's /mlp/ board. If you like ponies and cheap, decent quality plushes, then give this a look.
Visit Your Neighbours Federie Federie
A selection of Neocities websites sorted from least viewed to most viewed.
The original Leekspin homepage.
Pixel Joint
One of the longest standing pixel artist communities on the web. Founded in September 2004, and home to a lot of incredibly talented artists.
The personal site of a person who goes by Anonicus. This website is home to their artwork, blogs, reviews of videogames, etc.
A recreation of the early-2000's Danish chat game Hundeparken.
Based Cooking
A recipe website with just the recipes and nothing else. No ads. No tracking. No bs.
Dark Site Finder
A site focused on helping find dark sites for stargazers to get the best possible view of the sky.
Art made from chewed gum.
Wendy Carlos HomePage
The homepage of the famous composer Wendy Carlos. Very charming site that has been around since 1996.
Kemono Party
Website where you can view leaked Patreon content for free.
Purple Pixie
The personal homepage of a developer called David Cutting.
WTF Happened In 1971?
I've read through this, and I have more questions than answers. Wtf did happen in 1971?
Emailinator (Formerly Gmailinator)
Generates a temporary Gmail inbox that you can use as a throw-away when signing up for online services that you don't want to use your real email for. Similar service to Mailinator.
SCP Foundation
The famous SCP Foundation wiki. The SCP is a fictional government organisation that contains and covers up paranormal and otherworldly occurences.
The Interactive Fiction Archive
The Interactive Fiction Archive's mission is to preserve the history and practice of interactive fiction and make it freely available to the public. Online since 1992.
Ever wanted to know how to make.. Well anything, really? Instructables is worth a look.
The quite nicely put together website of someone going by Twily.
11 FOOT 8
A website dedicated to a bridge that is nicknamed the "canopener bridge" due to its tendency to rip the roof off of trucks.
Bibliotheca Anonoma
A huge timeline of 4chan history and pre-history.
Agora Road's Macintosh Cafe
A web/tech-nostalgia forum with a vaporwave theme.
Crypto Museum
An online museum about cryptography.
lolcat's website
The personal website of someone going by lolcat.
Highend TF's
A website all about counterfeit/bootleg/knock-off Transformers toys.
Fishtank is a streamer house monitored 24/7 & broadcasted live to the world. All bedrooms have cameras, common spaces are monitored via video and audio surveillance. When the lights go out, the IR comes on. The Fishtank house is always on.
The art and counter-criticism site of Miles Williams Mathis
The personal website of an incredibly talented artist named Miles Williams Mathis.
Percy's Wild Ride
A website dedicated to having celebrities and other noteworthy people take photos with a wooden Thomas the Tank Engine toy. Some of the noteworthy include the rapper Vanilla Ice, and oldschool IRL shitposter, Ron Jeremy.
Paradise Skies Homepage
A my little pony themed ARG/RP blog and website where the webmaster takes on the role of a fictional pony character called Paradise Skies.
VGM Rips
A huge collection of ripped music and resources for ripping music from videogames.
A website brought to you by the guy behind lolcat.ca, which is listed a few entries above this one. 4get is an open-source metasearch engine that actually seems to respect your privacy.
My Little Pony Trading Post
A forum for collectors of My Little Pony toys (primarily G1 stuff from the 1980's) to buy, sell, and trade stuff from their collections. Lots of great resources for pony collectors.
Revolt is a FOSS alternative to Discord, made by a small team of people. You can either join the main Revolt instance, or set up your own. Not decentralised, unfortunately.
A personal blog maintained by Oona Räisänen (aka Windytan). Primarily about soundwaves and signals, but occasionally also touches upon the other hobbies and interests of the webmistress. Really in-depth and entertaining blogposts to just scroll through.